The north plains chamber of commerce logo is green and white.

Fundraiser for Ski & Ride for a Cure

Chris Lantz • 27 January 2020



SPRINGER BODY & PAINT invites you to join them for a

Fundraiser for  Ski & Ride for a Cure

February 22 nd , 10 am- 4 pm


10880 NW Main Street

North Plains, Oregon


We will have local venders that are donating proceeds to this cause. We will be holding a car wash for donations, collecting cans and bottles, as well as a $10 BBQ buffet. Our team, Slop-A-Dope, will be there answering questions and walking you through the donation process. The  Ski and Ride for a Cure  mascot, Ryder the tiger will also be joining us. Please post the attached flyer for your customers and employees.


We will be setting up a memorial for any and everyone to come and add their loved ones to. This memorial will be on the front window of Springer Body & Paint for the entire month of February. We would love to share the memories of your loved ones. Also, there will be a locked donation box outside for those that would like to donate after office hours. (Please make checks payable to Ski & Ride for a Cure).


Thank you so much for taking the time to hear about this amazing cause that we are extremely passionate about. We’ve put together a team of skiers/boarders to compete at the Mt. Hood Skibowl vertical challenge. Our team is very passionate about our community and fighting the good fight against cancer and serious childhood diseases.


The vertical challenge is a 24-hour ski/snowboarding event hosted by Ski & Ride for a Cure and is the first weekend in March. Each year attend this event, we work hard to reach our annual event goal of 60k. Unfortunately, this year might be the last event due to lack of sponsors, donations and participants.


This is a great fear of ours for many reasons. One significant reason is the cause itself. Ski and Ride for a Cure raises funds to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and the Children’s Cancer Association located in Portland. The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to advance cures and means of prevention for pediatric catastrophic disease through research and treatment. At the Children’s Cancer Association, they believe all kids deserve long, wonderful lives. Or at the very least, short, wonderful lives. That’s why their

programs leverage music, nature, friendship, and resources to create transformative moments of joy for

families facing cancer and other serious illnesses.


The other reason is the experience. We are all working community members of North Plains and surrounding areas. Each year, we count down the days to the event because we want to raise donations and ride in hopes to make a difference.


The event itself is a magical experience…


As soon as you arrive, you are touched by so many people that have joined forces to raise money for an amazing cause. Each face has a story and tears will most definitely be shed. This event brings peace, courage, and unity unlike any other event us and many others have seen. The only true way to understand the beauty of this event is to experience it and hear each individuals reason “why”.


I would like to share two of our team members reasons with you now;


Devin Jenkins have been involved with Ski & Ride for a Cure since 2009. Here is his story:


Devin Jenkin’s close friend Andrea’s daughter, Kelsey Ranea was diagnosed with cancer at the young age of two. During the next couple years, Devin helped with Kelsey’s care. There were countless trips to the emergency room and numerous long nights spent comforting Kelsey as she endured the pain caused by cancer. On December 12th, 2009, Kelsey gained her angel wings and now plays with other children in heaven without pain or suffering.


Shortly after Kelsey’s passing, Devin came across a Ski & Ride for a Cure event at Mt. Hood Skibowl on social media and has been involved ever since. Giving back, helping those fighting cancers and his love for snowboarding motivated Devin to participate. His first year, Devin raised over 2000.00 dollars and rode for 19.5 hours straight.


We asked Devin why he supports our organization. He replied,  “HOTS (formally named “Hope on the Slopes”) has been an amazing experience for me. The staff, participants, volunteers, and shared stories is what makes HOTS an awesome program. I look forward too many more years supporting HOTS and such a great cause”.  Devin will be joining us at Mt. Hood Skibowl this year.


Crystal Jenkins has been involved with this event since 2018. This is her story:


There is a peace that comes from an event like this. Seeing so many people work hard to keep a dream alive. The dream to one day forget the pain left by cancer. This time of year means so much to me. I find new hope every time my husband and I are at the Ski and ride for a Cure event. New hope for a better tomorrow.


March 26, 2016. I held my grandfather…my biggest fan… my person… as he took his last breath.  Those last moments with him will never be forgotten. Watching him as he transitioned into peace and no longer had to fight the cancer that filled his body with so much pain. I love you so much grandpa…. I miss you…I do this for you grandpa….


Cancer is the most heartbreaking experience to watch a loved one suffer from. It’s one of those silent fears. You hope and pray it never touches your life. Unfortunately, it’s a sad fact that your life will be impacted by it in one way or another. This is why we do it. We can’t all be superhero’s, but together we can give new hope and make a difference.  Today I shed tears because I miss you grandpa…tomorrow I shed tears of joy and hope for a better tomorrow.


We do it for hope.


We do it for love.


We do it for our loved ones now watching over us.


This is more than a fundraiser to us. Each day we walk with the pains and scars left behind from disease and cancer. Each day we fight to try to keep another innocent child from the pain and the mental anguish this disease causes. We just want to save a life or two in the only way we know how.


Contact Information:


Aimee Hall

Springer Body & Paint

P. 503.647.2971 F. 503.647.1119


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